Saturday, July 22, 2017

Prediksi harga bit coin hari ini


Diperkirakan hari bitcoin 40jt

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bitcoin Price Watch; 1300 Just Around The Corner!

Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening..
Another day done in our bitcoin price trading efforts is drawing to a close, and it’s been one that has been pretty good to us. We noted in our coverage this morning that the bitcoin price seemed to be settling down a bit, and that we we’re expecting some degree of sideways trading today, as price ranged into a consolidation period.
We set up a range that was capable of taking advantage of breakouts to both the up and the downside, and set up some relatively aggressive targets coupled with some tight risk management parameters. As it turns out, the strategy has served us well.
We saw the bitcoin price break through the upper level in our range mid afternoon, and price hasn’t really looked back since. We got in on the break, and managed to carry through to our predefined take profit without any suggestion of a reversal or a chop.
So, what does this mean for tonight?
Well, it brings 1300 into play as a potential near term target (we’re actually going to look beyond that level, as we’ll get to shortly), meaning we could be in for some fresh highs in the bitcoin price near term. Fresh highs make things interesting, as they usually generate a wave of extra attention (outside the space) that adds extra speculative capital to the equation, meaning we could see a real run soon.
So, let’s get to our key levels for this evening. Take a look at the chart below before we get started.
As the chart shows, the range we’ve got for tonight is defined by support to the downside at 1281, and resistance to the upside at 1290. If we see a close above 1290, we’ll be in towards 1305. Conversely, a close below support will put us in towards 1270.
Let’s see what happens.
Charts courtesy of SimpleFX
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not guaranteed, does not purport to be comprehensive and is strictly for information purposes only. It should not be regarded as investment/trading advice. All the information is believed to come from reliable sources. NewsBTC does not warrant the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of information in its analysis and therefore will not be liable for any loss incurred
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hindari Bursa Terpusat

Jika Anda mencari Google untuk cara membeli Bitcoin, atau untuk pertukaran Bitcoin, terlalu banyak jalan akan membawa Anda ke bursa terpusat. Bitcoin bukan mata uang terpusat, seperti yang Anda tahu, tapi malah dijamin dan dihasilkan melalui jaringan global peer-to-peer dan buku disebut Blockchain.

Artikel ini bermaksud untuk menjadi gambaran tentang cara untuk menjaga Anda suara uang suara, bagaimana untuk benar-benar menjadi bank Anda sendiri dan tidak bergantung pada keinginan dari pertukaran seperti Coinbase atau kompetitor utama. Pertama, mungkin, kita harus membahas mengapa orang akan ingin menghindari “rak paling atas” pertukaran seperti Coinbase.

Hal pertama yang harus Anda ketahui tentang Coinbase adalah bahwa mereka telah sering bersalah membatalkan transaksi selama periode escrow untuk bank dan kartu kredit pembelian. Mereka biasanya menggunakan “keamanan” sebagai alasan untuk pembatalan ini. Berikut adalah contoh dari sekelompok pengguna Coinbase mengeluh tentang proses ini. Pembatalan ini jarang terjadi ketika harga Bitcoin tetes antara tanggal pembelian dan finalisasi transaksi, bukan mereka terjadi ketika harga Bitcoin membengkak.

Kedua, Coinbase adalah terlalu ramah dengan regulator. Meskipun pertempuran urutan selimut oleh IRS untuk catatan pelanggan, perusahaan akan membekukan rekening pada kehendak. Sifat terpusat pertukaran memungkinkan mereka untuk menahan dana pengguna, baik dalam mata uang fiat atau cryptocurrency, untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Untuk seseorang berniat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan melalui perdagangan Bitcoin, atau bahkan hanya untuk mengamankan kekayaan, ini bisa menjadi banyak sakit kepala yang tidak perlu.

Cara alternatif untuk perdagangan Bitcoins

Bagaimana sakit kepala ini perlu? Ada cara alternatif untuk berdagang. Sebuah desentralisasi, mata uang peer-to-peer tidak bergantung pada agen seperti cadangan federal atau bank seperti Coinbase. Sebaliknya, hal itu bergantung pada pengguna lain dari mata uang, yang merupakan salah satu alasan regulator lelah itu. Sama seperti uang tunai, unsur pidana tentu saja dapat menggunakan Bitcoin dan cryptocurrencies lainnya untuk menutupi kegiatan keuangan mereka dari pemerintah. Ini dapat dikatakan tentang setiap artikel dari nilai, namun, dari logam mulia untuk kendaraan.

Untuk tujuan artikel ini, penulis secara pribadi dapat merekomendasikan LocalBitcoins adalah sebuah platform di seluruh dunia pedagang peer-to-peer. Dengan cara yang sama bahwa eBay awal mengandalkan sepenuhnya pada reputasi pengguna, perdagangan di LocalBitcoins dapat berisiko jika Anda pergi di buta. Hal ini penting untuk selalu membaca profil pengguna untuk umpan balik positif, dan setiap pengguna dengan lebih dari beberapa umpan balik negatif komentar ini mungkin tidak layak mengambil risiko pada.

Namun, LocalBitcoins tidak menggunakan sistem escrow, yang adalah pertukaran itu sendiri ini fungsi utama. Di-orang perdagangan dengan uang atau barang-barang lainnya dapat Escrow Account ini dalam LocalBitcoins, dan setelah dana diterima oleh penjual, koin bisa dilepaskan. Penulis ini, bagaimanapun, telah secara pribadi pernah melakukan perdagangan di-orang. Terutama penulis ini telah menggunakan Paypal dan Western Union untuk melakukan perdagangan, di sisi bitcoin menjual. Dari perspektif pembeli (Anda), tanpa 100% umpan balik positif ini penulis, itu akan menjadi terang-terangan berisiko untuk mengirim dana pertama melalui Paypal atau Western Union. Dari sudut pandang penjual, juga berisiko untuk menerima Paypal, karena transaksi Paypal dapat dibalik whimsically. Inilah sebabnya mengapa umpan balik dan kepercayaan yang penting pada platform.

Tapi ada beberapa keuntungan Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan dengan pertukaran Bitcoin terpusat seperti Coinbase. Pertama, LocalBitcoins dapat digunakan sebagai pertukaran mata uang standar setelah Anda memiliki Bitcoin. Anda kemudian dapat membeli dana di sebagian besar mata uang dunia menggunakan Bitcoin Anda. Jika Anda mengatur untuk membeli Bitcoin rendah, ini bisa menjadi kekuatan pengganda dalam perdagangan FOREX, karena banyak bursa FOREX memberikan tidak mengindahkan Bitcoin sama sekali.

Kedua, ada pasar harga yang lebih luas dan lebih kompetitif. Tergantung pada metode pembayaran, penjual akan menjual Bitcoin pada tingkat yang berbeda untuk bersaing dengan penjual lainnya. Kadang-kadang mark-up pada order pembelian yang lebih kecil dapat setinggi beberapa ratus dolar.

Ketiga, mendaftar untuk LocalBitcoins kurang terlibat dalam hal privasi. Orang tidak perlu memiliki rekening bank, atau rekening sama sekali, terkait dengan LocalBitcoins untuk berdagang. Sebuah account Paypal atau uang tunai, atau berbagai metode lainnya di seluruh dunia (atau bahkan metode pembayaran tidak terdaftar di situs) yang satu dapat mengambil untuk layanan transfer uang akan cukup. Satu bahkan dapat bertukar kartu hadiah untuk Bitcoins di LocalBitcoins. pertukaran akan meminta kartu tanda pengenal dengan foto Anda setelah Anda mulai perdagangan. Sekali lagi, ini jauh lebih terlibat daripada proses yang disajikan oleh Coinbase.

Satu hal yang harus dikatakan sebelum kita mengucapkan selamat tinggal: tidak pernah, pernah meninggalkan koin di bursa semalam. Melakukan hal melibatkan bahaya yang sama seperti menggunakan pertukaran terpusat mencakup: risiko kerugian total. jumlah diabaikan, mungkin, tapi itu adalah unadvisable untuk meninggalkan Bitcoins dalam dompet setiap yang Anda tidak memiliki akses fisik.

Dalam Mendapatkan artikel Bitcoin berikutnya, kita akan membahas, secara konkret, bagaimana membuat sebaya pertama Anda
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What is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange like normal currencies such as USD, but designed for the purpose of exchanging digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of cryptography. Cryptography is used to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new coins. The first cryptocurrency to be created was Bitcoin back in 2009. Today there are hundreds of other cryptocurrencies, often referred to as Altcoins.
Put another way, cryptocurrency is electricity converted into lines of code with monetary value. In the simplest of forms, cryptocurrency is digital currency.
Unlike centralized banking, like the Federal Reserve System, where governments control the value of a currency like USD through the process of printing fiat money, government has no control over cryptocurrencies as they are fully decentralized.

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Most cryptocurrencies are designed to decrease in production over time like Bitcoin, which creates a market cap on them. That’s different from fiat currencies where financial institutions can always create more, hence inflation. Bitcoin will never have more than 21 million coins in circulation. The technical system on which all cryptocurrencies are based on was created by Satoshi Nakamoto.
While hundreds of different cryptocurrency specifications exist, most are derived from one of two protocols; Proof-of-work or Proof-of-stake. All cryptocurrencies are maintained by a community of cryptocurrency miners who are members of the general public that have set up their computers or ASIC machines to participate in the validation and processing of transactions.

History of Cryptocurrency

bitcoin stack

The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin uses SHA-256, which is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the U.S National Security Agency. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is based on the proof-of-work system.
In April 2011, Namecoin, the first altcoin, was created to form a decentralized DNS to make internet censorship more difficult. In October 2011, Litecoin was released and became the first successful cryptocurrency to use scrypt as its hash function rather than SHA-256. This gave the general public the ability to mine for litecoins without the purchase of specific hardware such as the ASIC machines used to mine Bitcoin.
Litecoin began receiving media attention in late 2013 – reaching a market cap of $1 billion.Ripplecoin, created in 2011, was built on the same protocol as Bitcoin but services as  a payment system – think of it like a Paypal for cryptocurrencies that supports any fiat currency, cryptocurrency, commodity or even frequent flier miles.

Cryptocurrencies & Market Capitalization

Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency in both market capitalization, volume, acceptance and notoriety, but it’s not the most valuable coin. NEMstake, while only having a market cap of $1,116,720, trades at $1,117 a coin. Looking at the market cap, Litecoin takes second place after Bitcoin with Ripple close behind.
One coin that you are more than likely familiar with is Dogecoin. Dogecoin ranks, on average, thirds in trading volume, but has a relatively low market cap – ranking number six in the largest cryptocurrency.

hashWhat is a Cryptocurrency Hash?

Cryptocurrency mining power is rated on a scale of hashes per seconds. A rig with a computing power of 1kH/s is mining at a rate of 1,000 hashes a second, 1MH/s is a million hashes per second and a GH/s is one billion hashes per second. Every time a miner successfully solves a block, a new hash is created. A hash algorithm turns this large amount of data into a fixed-length hash. Like a code if you know the algorithm you can solve a hash and get the original data out, but to the ordinary eye it’s just a bunch of numbers crammed together and remains practically impossible to get the original data out of.

SHA vs. Scrypt

While Bitcoin and a several other coins are mined using SHA-256, Litecoin and many other coins, use Scrypt. This are the two major hashing functions, but several different kinds exists and are used by other cryptpcurrencies such as scrypt-N and x11. The different hashing functions were adopted to answer concerns with the SHA-256. Before, individuals were able to mine Bitcoin with their GPU’s, which require a large amount of energy. But as Bitcoin grew in popularity, ASIC SHA-256 machine were built which  made GPU mining obsolete.
To give you an idea of just how powerful these machines are, a mining rig running 4 GPU’s would get a hash rate of around 3.4 MH/s and consume 3600kW/h while an ASIC machine can mine 6 TH/s and consume 2200kW/h. This effectively killed GPU mining and left many individuals worried about the security of the network. With less individuals being able to profitably mine from their home computer, the network become less decentralized. Scrypt mining was implemented with the promise of being ASIC resistant due to the memory problem it introduced.
Scrypt hashes require lots of memory, which GPU’s are already designed to handle and ASIC machines were not. However, Scrypt mining require a lot of energy and eventually scrypt-ASIC machines were designed to address this problem. At this point Litecoin considered changing their proof-of-work function to avoid ASIC mining. Scrypt also taut that their proof-of-work is much more energy efficient than SHA-256. Bitcoin blocks are solved at a rate of 1 per 10 minutes while Litecoin blocks are solver at a rate of 1 per 2.5 minutes.

securityCryptocurrency Security

The security of cryptocurrencies is two part. The first part comes from the difficulty in finding hash set intersections, a task done by miners. The second and more likely of the two cases is a “51%” attack“. In this scenario, a miner who has the mining power of more than 51% of the network, can take control of the global blockchain ledger and generate an alternative block-chain. Even at this point the attacker is limited to what he can do. The attacker could reverse his own transactions or block other transactions.
Cryptocurrencies are also less susceptible to seizure by law enforcement or having transaction holds placed on them from acquirers such as Paypal. All cryptocurrencies are pseudo-anonymous, and some coins have added features to create true anonymity.

Cryptocurrency Legality & Taxes

Bitcoin Taxation
While cryptocurrencies are legal in most countries, Iceland and Vietnam being an exception – Iceland mainly due to their freeze on foreign exchange, they are not free from regulations and restrictions. China has banned financial institutions from handling bitcoins and Russia, while saying cryptocurrency is legal, has made it illegal to purchase goods with any currency other than Russian rubles.
In the U.S., the IRS has ruled that Bitcoin is to be treated as property for tax purposes, making Bitcoin subject to capital gains tax. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has issued guidelines for cryptocurrencies. The issued guidelines contain an important caveat for Bitcoin miners: it warns that anyone creating bitcoins and exchanging them for fiat currency are not necessarily beyond the reach of the law. It states:
“A person that creates units of convertible virtual currency and sells those units to another person for real currency or its equivalent is engaged in transmission to another location and is a money transmitter.”
Miners seem to fall into this category, which could theoretically make them liable for MTB classification. This is a bone of contention for bitcoin miners, who have asked for clarification. This issue has not been publicly addressed in a court of law to date.

Cryptocurrency Services

There are a host of services offering information and monitoring of cryptocurrencies. CoinMarketcap is an excellent way check on the market cap, price, available supply and volume of crypto currencies. Reddit is a great way to stay in touch with the community and follow trends and CryptoCoinCharts is full of information ranging from a list of crytocoins, exchanges, information on arbitrage opportunities and more. Our very own site offers a list of crypto currencies and their change in value in the last 24hrs, week or month.
Liteshack allows visitors to view the network hash rate of many different coins across six different hashing algorithms. They even provided a graph of the networks hash rate so you can detect trends or signs that the general public is either gaining or losing interest in a particular coin.
A hand website for miner is CoinWarz. This site can help miners determine which coin is most profitable to mine given their hash rate, power consumption, and the going rate of the coins when sold for bitcoins. You can even view each coins current and past difficulty.
Images from Shutterstock.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Germany’s top finance regulator has moved to shut down a payment processor

Germany’s top finance regulator has moved to shut down a payment processor tied to to the OneCoin cryptocurrency scheme, which has faced widespread allegations that it is fraudulent.
The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) said on 10th April that it was freezing the accounts of IMS International Marketing Services GmbH, which is registered in Germany.
According to BaFin, the firm accepted €360m on behalf of OneCoin between December 2015 and December 2016. Of that amount, €29m is being held in the accounts frozen by the regulator.
The agency went on to threaten financial penalties in excess of €1m, going on to say:
"In case IMS should not abide by the order to cease business, BaFin threatened to impose a coercive fine of 1.5 million euros; for non-compliance with the winding-down order, it would impose a coercive fine of 150,000 euros. By law, the administrative acts, including the threats of coercive fines, are immediately enforceable."
With the move, BaFin becomes the latest regulator in Europe to take action against elements of the OneCoin scheme.
OneCoin is a multi-level marketing scheme that pitches an eponymous digital currency as an investment opportunity. Prospective buyers purchase batches of tokens which can then be redeemed online, though those involved are strongly encouraged to find buyers of their own – a characteristic that lends itself to accusations that OneCoin is a pyramid scheme.
In the past year, regulators in several African countries have warned consumers about local efforts by OneCoin to solicit investors. In the UK, London police have been investigating OneCoin since as early as September, while in Italy, regulators moved last month to prohibit promotional efforts for OneCoin by local proponents.
Notably, BaFin made it clear in a statement that it was moving against the firm due to unlicensed money activities rather than the legality of sales of OneCoin tokens.
"BaFin does not have the right to decide as to the validity under civil law of the “OneCoins” sales contracts. It may therefore not answer questions of this nature," the agency said.
Closed sign image via Shutterstock
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

This Security Researcher Found the Bug That Knocked Out Bitcoin Unlimited

For over a year, attackers have had the ability to crash Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin Classic nodes. Yesterday, someone actually did it. According to websites like Coin Dance, the number of Bitcoin Unlimited nodes fell sharply from almost 800 to less than 250 in a matter of hours. Bitcoin Classic was hit shortly after.
One day earlier, the security researcher who found the vulnerability had reached out to Bitcoin Magazine.
“I am quite beside myself at how a project that aims to power a $20 billion network can make beginner’s mistakes like this.”
The Vulnerabilities
Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin Classic are forks of Bitcoin Core that intend to increase Bitcoin’s block size limit. Both launched in 2015 and have been maintained by their own development teams since. While Bitcoin Classic was a relatively popular alternative to Bitcoin Core last year, Bitcoin Unlimited has been gaining traction lately. The world’s largest mining pool — AntPool — announced it would switch to Bitcoin Unlimited, as have several smaller pools.
But not everyone believes that is a good idea.
“I am rather dismayed at the poor level of code quality in Bitcoin Unlimited and I suspect there [is] a raft of other issues,” a security researcher identifying herself only as “Charlotte Gardner” told Bitcoin Magazine on Monday.
Communicating over email, Gardner said she was auditing the software for her own use, but quickly came to the conclusion that it’s highly unsafe: “What concerns me is that this software is now being used by a huge portion of the Bitcoin mining ecosystem.”
Gardner revealed that she had submitted two vulnerabilities — “critical remote crash vulnerabilities” to be exact — to the Bitcoin Unlimited development team.
The first one is known as a “NULL pointer dereference,” the second a “reachable assertion.” In both cases, attackers can send especially crafted messages to Bitcoin Unlimited or Bitcoin Classic nodes to make these nodes crash. On an open peer-to-peer network like Bitcoin’s, this means that an attacker can get a list of Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin Classic nodes from publicly available sources, like Bitnodes, and simply knock every single one of them offline.
“I’m surprised no one has noticed them yet,” Gardner told Bitcoin Magazine one day before the attack took place. “I guess not many people actually use the Bitcoin Unlimited software. But with their ‘rise,’ attackers may take more interest.”
The Disclosure
When contacting Bitcoin Magazine on Monday, Gardner did not immediately want to make the vulnerabilities public. That would have been irresponsible, she explained, as the bugs could still be exploited before the Bitcoin Unlimited development team had the chance to fix it.
But she did also submit the vulnerabilities to Mitre’s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. This ensures that Mitre discloses the bugs in one month from now, which pressures the developers to actually fix the problem in time.
However, even following this responsible disclosure, Gardner thought there was a risk that the vulnerabilities would be abused as soon as they were fixed in the Bitcoin Unlimited code repository. After all, at that point the problem isn’t really solved: anyone running the released Bitcoin Unlimited software is still vulnerable until they download and run the new, revised version. This opens a window for attackers.
“The problem is, the bugs are so glaringly obvious that when fixing it, it will be easy to notice for anyone watching their development process,” she said.
It now appears that is exactly what has happened. While the Bitcoin Unlimited developers did indeed fix the issue shortly after it was pointed out to them, they did so with far too conspicuous a GitHubcommit message, Gardner told Bitcoin Magazine once it appeared the bugs seemed fixed and before the attacks began.
“Their commit message does ring alarm bells. I’m not sure if anyone will notice, but they probably should have obfuscated the message a bit more. The wording might attract closer scrutiny. But if it went unnoticed for this long, maybe it will go unnoticed.”
Clearly, it did not.
As Gardner warned, it didn’t take long for attackers to exploit one of the vulnerabilities: the first attacks happened shortly after the bugs were fixed. A little later, user “shinobimonkey” took the issue toReddit, Bitcoin Core developer Peter Todd tweeted about the bug and social media blew up.
Someone then even published exploit code for anyone to use, and before long most Bitcoin Unlimited nodes were down, to be followed by many Bitcoin Classic nodes.
“This is exactly why there is supposed to be a ‘responsible disclosure’ protocol,” Gardner told Bitcoin Magazine after the attacks took place. “But then it doesn’t help if the software project is not discreet about fixing critical issues like this.”
Code Quality
This is not the first time the code quality of Bitcoin Unlimited or Bitcoin Classic has been scrutinized.
As the best-known example, the mining pool, which runs Bitcoin Unlimited, mined an invalid block caused by a bug last January. All energy invested to produce the block was wasted, while mining pools that spy mined on top of the invalid block wasted some energy as well.
Before that, Bitcoin Core developers had already warned about buggy code on several occasions. On the Bitcoin-development mailing list, Matt Corallo said that he had found Bitcoin Classic’s flexible transactions codebase to be “riddled with blatant and massive security holes.” On Reddit, Gregory Maxwell pointed outthat Bitcoin Unlimited nodes were crashing because the development team removed code that shouldn’t have been removed.
Addressing Bitcoin Unlimited lead developer Andrew Stone in response to yesterday’s events, Maxwell suggested there are more problems with Bitcoin Unlimited’s codebase that have not yet been abused:
“There are vulnerabilities in Unlimited which have been privately reported to you in Unlimited by Bitcoin Core folks which you have not acted on, sadly. More severe than this one, in fact.”
Perhaps the main problem for Bitcoin Unlimited, as pointed out by information security expert Andreas Antonopoulos, is that it lacks a significant development community to perform proper quality analysis. The number of developers working on Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin Classic is relatively small, and the code that included the exploited vulnerability was merged after being reviewed by only one person — not a lot for security-critical code protecting people’s money.
Gardner agreed with this assessment:

“In this case, the vulnerabilities are so glaringly obvious, it is clear no one has audited their code because these stick out like a sore thumb,” she said. “I’m astounded the mining industry are running this software. But since they are, and a lot of people could get harmed, the best I can do, other than recommending they don’t use Bitcoin Unlimited, is to disclose the issues and hope they are competent enough to fix it.”
Bitcoin Magazine reached out to Bitcoin Unlimited developers Andrew Stone and Andrea Suisani, but received no response at time of publication.
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